Research Shakespeare’s Play in Romeo and Juliet Essay
Essay • February 25, 2010
Learn More About Shakespeare’s Literary Work With Romeo and Juliet Essay
If you study Shakespeare’s creative work, you may be asked to write Romeo and Juliet essay. For this kind of essay you may find a long list of interesting and challenging topics.
If you want to create an impressive essay, you may follow the essay writing general tips:
1. To complete a good essay you should actually read Romeo and Juliet play in original. While reading the play, try to analyze what the author wanted to say by this or that character, action, description etc. If some elements in the play are unclear for you and you want to understand them, you may consult your instructor. Pay attention to the words and expressions that are used in the play, some of the words may seem unfamiliar to you. That is why check the meaning of archaic words with the special dictionary. Remember if you use quotation from the play, you should know the direct meaning of it. If the provided citation is irrelevant to the text, so the readers may think that you are not completely aware of what you are writing about.
2. Pick up a topic for Romeo and Juliet essay. You may search in the Internet for Romeo and Juliet essays topics. Think of the topic that you can freely develop. For instance, you may write about the relationships between two families at war and their children. You may also describe different types of love revealed in the play. Think was it a good or a bad fate that brought two lovers Romeo and Juliet together.
You may also read additional material for better understanding the play. Read different literature review samples, critical articles about the play, summaries or essay samples. Reading Romeo and Juliet essay samples may also be of great use to you. Some students want to plunge more into the play events and understand the peculiarities of the time that Shakespeare described in his play. That is why they also read books in history. If you want to get an insight on the circumstances and surrounding in which Romeo and Juliet play was born, you may read the biography of Shakespeare’s life. Research the Shakespeare’s writing style.
Before the creating of the first draft you should outline your Romeo and Juliet essay. An outline is like a road map that will help you to perform a good writing. Just make sure that your essay structure meets all the essay style requirements. You may create a general structure of your essay that will include the introductory part, the essay body part and the concluding part. You may also make a cover page (if required) and the list of references or Bibliography. Think how you will incorporate all supplementary material in your essay.
Start your essay writing with the main body. This part is the most lengthy and require a lot of time. Think if you should split the main body into subparagraphs or not.
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Written by Martin Cardoso
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