Search for Impressive and Touching Personal Essay Topics
Essay • February 8, 2010
Personal Essay Involves a Great Scope of Personal Essay Topics
It is a great pleasure to write personal essay. Here you may exceed the boundaries of the standard essay and plunge into a great variety of personal essay topics.
This kind of essay writing helps students to determine their likes and dislikes. Students become more aware of their own personality.
To write an impressive personal essay, think about interesting personal essay topics. While choosing the topic for your personal essay, try to immerse into your inner world. Remember that the main aim of the personal essay is to reveal your own thoughts, ideas, and interests. You should vent the readers your inner world, your worries and excitements. All your personal emotions should come to the surface in your essay. Choose the topic that will better reveal your positive sides and will be worthwhile to the readers. Do not choose personal essay topics that have been discussed many times or are boring. In your essay you may write about:
– Your personal experience. Describe your childhood, your percepts of certain things. You may also describe the most crucial moments in your life. For example, you first date or exam, or your first serious independent decision.
– Your parents, relatives, friends. Describe what they accomplished in their lives. Write if you want to follow somebody’s career. Write who is the most influential person in your life.
– Your interests, hobbies. Describe the reasons for such an interest. Explain also why you prefer this hobby towards the other interests.
In personal essay you may safely share your dreams and desires with the readers. May be there is some country or place that you dream to visit. But personal essay topics do not necessarily should share your personal life with the readers. You may also write about elections in your country or the market recession, or some technical innovations. You may touch any field of science you want but still you have to lid your own point of view on the given problem. Some students may compare two subjects expressing their points of view and it still will be personal essay. As you see personal essay involves different kinds of essay. Thus, you may write comparison and contrast essay, discussion essay, autobiographical essay etc.
You may find more useful information for your essay on different educational sites. Personal essay examples will help you in finding good topic for your paper.
Before you start to write a first draft, outline your paper.
Make an original thesis proposal. Enumerate the methods that you are going to use in your research.
In the main body present the main information. Try to be natural and truthful while writing this kind of paper. You may also support your information with different citations or examples from the books.
In the conclusion sum up everything that was discussed in the main body. Think if you managed to reach the main essay goals.
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Written by Martin Cardoso
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