You Are Free to Express Your Position in Opinion Essay
Essay • November 5, 2009
Express Yourself Through Opinion Essay Writing
Pupils usually write an opinion essay at school or in colleges. It’s one of the most exciting writings but it’s not so easy to put your own thoughts down on the paper. For some pupils it’s difficult to explain why they have such an opinion, others can’t select among a huge variety of literature. But if you manage to make critical analysis of given information and at the same time express you own points of view, then be sure that you have great analytical skills. Actually, there is nothing difficult in writing such kind of essay but still there are some peculiarities and you should take it into account.
First, as it was mentioned, while writing an opinion essay you should express your thoughts. Make sure you cite other books to make your thoughts well-grounded and you research mature. That’s why before you start to write an essay read different reliable sources. You may also consult your instructor and ask him to give you a list of valuable readings so you can see what other scientists and researches think on this point.
Second, the next problem that may worry a student is what writing topic to choose. That’s why your essay instructor may ask you to think over what you’re really interested in. Teachers usually let students choose topics themselves because it’s very important that student are really interested in what he is going to write and so, he may want to express his points of view about it. So, as you see it’s really interesting to write such kind of essay because you may choose your favorite theme. For example, you like computer games or literature, so you may write about it.
If you have chosen the topic of the essay and have necessary information, then think how it is better to organize your essay. An opinion essay has the same structure as any other essay: a cover page, an introduction, the main body, a conclusion and bibliography. In the introduction you should write some general statements and the main aims of your research. The body consists of several paragraphs. Here you should write all the information you think is relevant to your research. In the conclusion students usually sum up the whole essay and write perspectives of the future research. Pay attention to the grammar, style and format rules. If your essay is technically correct plus there are your brilliant thoughts that are organized in well-composed sentences and paragraphs then for sure you’ll get an excellent mark for your essay.
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Written by Martin Cardoso
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