Valeria Gorner

Valeria Gorner

Starting an Essay

Essay • February 15, 2011

Starting an Essay

Starting Essays: Attractive Introductions:

Most students are capable of writing well but find it difficult to start writing an essay. Coming up with essay introductions can be difficult since these are very important. First impression is often the last impression, and whether the reader will continue to read the essay or not depends on the attractiveness of its introduction.

Qualities of an essay Introduction:

While starting an essay, following qualities of good introductions must be kept in mind.
• The introduction must be highly relevant to the topic and appealing. It should give the reader a taste of the whole article but must not give away all that the article contains.
• An essay must start with a catchy sentence, which creates enough suspense and interest for the reader to carry on.
• The start of an essay must be interesting, conveying that there is more enjoyable stuff ahead. This will keep the reader reading till the end. Essay help can be used by students who find it difficult to compose attractive introductions.
• While starting an essay, the purpose of the essay must be kept in mind.

Ideas for Starting an Essay:

Following are some ideas that will be helpful in starting essays:
• An essay can be started with a small story or an incident that helps the writer to make a point. Such an opening not only keeps the reader engaged but is also a promising start.
• One common way to start an essay is to use a quotation. This method seems relatively easy and it can be a short cut in making an impressive beginning, but the quotation must be selected carefully. If you go for a quote in the beginning, make sure it is easily understandable, properly referenced and relevant to the topic.
• Starting with a dream is another idea. Just use your imagination, be creative in writing the start but make sure that the introduction is purposeful.
• Another creative way to start an essay is via dialogue. This is a relatively difficult way to start an essay with, but if the dialogue is crafted carefully, it can have a very good impression on the reader.
• Summary like beginning is also common. This type of a starting is inspired from the abstract. In summary opening, the whole article or essay is summarized in a few lines to inform the reader what exactly is written in the essay. This is useful for those looking to read on specific issues.
• Other ideas for starting an essay include beginning with a joke or an example to make the theme and purpose of the essay clear and elaborate a point.
Other than online essays, students can also order research papers and seek dissertation help from the writing experts on the internet. It is worthwhile to go for such services since a lot of hassle is saved this way and high quality plagiarism free work is available.

Valeria Gorner

Written by Valeria Gorner

To tell the truth, I didn’t like being a student. This explains why I decided to devote my life to helping learners survive their academic years. I am a pro in business & marketing but writing about it is my true one passion. If you need an essay, a research paper, or just a piece of advice, hit me up!

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