To be comfortable making essays that seemingly flow from ink to paper naturally must be molded during the early years of a student’s life. So essay writing in high school should be given more focus since it will be the necessary training for the students that will prepare them to write good essays in their later years of studies. Emphasis must be given on strengthening a student’s writing capabilities rest in the formulation of good high school essay questions.
Although basic concepts are tackled during the high school years, students must be able to learn the fundamentals of organizing their thoughts to form coherent topics and sentence structures. And what better way to harness this necessary creative tool than to start students into writing about the topics they are more interested in. Adolescent years tend to focus on individualistic identities, the me, the ego. Hence, they value things that re-affirm their independence. Their need to be heard, to establish who they are and to affiliate themselves into groups that are similar to them causes these youths to be branded as the rebellious years by their parents. The questions, “who am I?” or “what do I want?: can bring forth tons of vital information that can show how students copes up in these period of adjustment. It can also be an indication how the student is handling one of the most important developmental task in life, which is the identity versus role-confusion. Several high school essay questions can come in forms of emotional check-up simply by asking a student “how was your day?” or “how do you fell right now?”, giving them the freedom to write whatever they want in their essays.
This is also a stage of the dreaded raging hormones, both in girls and boys. The attraction to the opposite sex can drive a girl into crying fits, making diaries an indispensable tool for the psyche of a girl. Boys on the other hand find diaries too girly for them to use, yet they also want to release pent up frustrations and confusions. Thus, these types of reflective essay questions will help them ease the anxiety that they are feeling inside, through creative writing.
Although it will be a daunting task, especially for understaffed schools, the essays formulated from proper high school essay questions can be a tool for counselors to gauge the emotional quotient of their students. Statistics show that a high school student drops out every hour. If the educators focus more on the emotional growth of their students by promoting programs that helps them adjust in academic life, then these students might be motivated to stay in school. Although intelligence quotient will always be needed, the development of a student’s emotional quotient should not be taken for granted. IQ teaches us how to do things right while EQ teaches us how to do the right thing, and both should be developed equally by a student. This serves as a guide for them to use in later years of their lives. The proper development and nurturing of the person’s emotional quotient will be the basis of one’s emotional foundation, way of thinking and character formation.
Formulating high school essay questions may take some time, so you can buy essays to save your time.
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